Payment machine MINICASH
Machine configuration
- Steel cabinet – one or two-layer design
- Acceptance credit cards EC/MC, VISA
- Acceptance of all CZK and Euro denominations (banknotes/coins)
- Dispensation of coins 2-3 hoppers (optionally)
- Banknote Disposal 1-2 trays (optionally)
- Touchscreen 19“ 5:4
- Main PC – platform Intel i3, operation system Windows 7 PosReady or Windows 10 IoT
- The thermal printer of receipt and documents
- RFID, QR, BCR reader (optionally)
- Programmer + RFID / magnetic card dispenser (optional)
- Identity scanner – slot or flat (optionally)
- Backup power 500VA
Payment machine MiniCash – use
Self-service payment machine is ideal for credit payments for use in hotels or case of cash payment, and it is suitable in terms of capacity to pay lower (sum up to 1000CZK / transaction) and to total smaller daily volume of transactions. Ideal for use in cultural venues for paying tickets, companies paying for small goods and services, and offices with fewer clients.

Categories: Payment machines