Payment machine MULTICASH
Self-service cash machine – parameters
- Steel cabinet – One or two-layer design
- Touch screen 19“ 5:4
- Main PC – platform Intel i5, operation system Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 64bit
- Acceptance of all CZK and Euro denominations (banknotes/coins)
- Coin dispensation of 3-6 hoppers (1000pcs/hopper, optional)
- Bank-notes dispensation 2-5 drawer (trays for 3000pcs of banknotes/denomination, optional)
- Acceptance credit cards EC/MC, VISA (bank terminal)
- Acceptance of customer cards – chip/RFID (optional)
- Reader barcode/QR code (optional)
- Camera, VoIP communicator (optional)
- Programmer + RFID / magnetic card reader
- Identity Scanner (Slot or Flat)
- The thermal printer of receipt and documents
- Backup power 700VA
Self-service cash-machine – use
Self-service payment system (cashier) suitable for capacity to larger daily transactions. Ideal for wholesalers with self-service dispensing of goods, car showrooms, payment of fees and services in the state administration, etc..

Categories: Payment machines