Virtual reception

We offer a comprehensive solution for virtual receptions, which will ensure the process of independent check-in of visitors in buildings, objects and actually anywhere where it is needed. The entire solution is designed to streamline visit management and reduce the need for on-site reception staff. The system is highly customizable and suitable for different scenarios, from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large multi-tenant buildings. A reception kiosk with a welcome screen or a mobile application with arrival and departure processes is prepared as standard for visitors.

Arrival (check-in visits)

  • Self-service registration before arrival or on the spot.
  • Possibility of quick check-in using a QR code.
  • Identification of the visit. Option of VIP or blacklist exceptions.
  • Ensuring consent to terms of entry, GDPR and guest signature.
  • Optional training visits.
  • Connection to input and output systems.
  • Visited notification via sms/email.

Departure (visit check-out)

The visitor simply returns the entry card to the exit device and/or uses the check-out reception kiosk to leave the visited premises. The system records the visitor’s departure and updates the information in the operator’s central database. Entry cards, pin, entrance gate, etc. are automatically blocked during the check-out visit and access rights are withdrawn. The visitor can be sent a notification (SMS or email) confirming the successful completion of the visit.

Key components of the solution

  • vending machine or kiosk – provides
    • QR code scanner
    • ID scanner
    • dispenser and card reader/encoder
    • optional other peripherals (e.g. wifi AP for customers) and devices see portfolio
  • self-service virtual reception software
    • central portal (cloud) – provides
      • secure web multilingual environment
      • management of users, buildings, spaces, tenants, contacts and visitors
      • the process of creating invitations and tracking visits
      • connection to e-reception modules – entrance/attendance systems, turnstiles, elevators, ..
      • logging of all operations, data for monitoring
      • notifications via selected communication channels
    • frontend and backend of the smart box – provides
      • an intuitive multilingual environment that guides customers through the check-in and check-out process
      • a certified CashMachine payment application that provides processes such as scanning, payment, identification, printing, enabling entry, etc.
    • integration with 3rd party systems (e.g. lock systems, log systems, smart boxes )
    • advertising system – provides
      • industrial digital signage screens for displaying advertisements
      • secure web environment for managing advertising spaces, sets and content

Key features

  1. Autonomous operation: The system works without personnel and is available 24/7.
  2. Flexible design: reception machines and software are available in different forms.
  3. Integration with access systems: The system integrates with building/operator access systems, issuing entry codes or cards and controlling turnstiles and storage devices.
  4. Pre-registration of visitors: Visitors can pre-register online, and on-site check-in is available via kiosks or mobile devices.
  5. Control of the solution: Control by both the customer and the operator is intuitive and easy. The customer uses the touch screen optionally using a mobile application. The operator also has a cloud solution available.

Use cases

  1. SME reception kiosk for variable use cases (visit to a company or public institution, fitness, wellness, sports area reception, etc.):
    • Self-service registration in advance or on site.
    • Possibility of quick check-in using a QR code.
    • Visited notification via sms/email.
  2. Corporate reception kiosk:
    • Remote communication with the receptionist, integration with MS Teams.
    • Navigation of visitors around the building using maps.
  3. Multi-tenant reception kiosk:
    • List of companies in the building, possibility of selection and communication with a specific company.
    • Multi-level navigation of visitors around the area.
  4. Kiosk for employees – issuing cards:
    • Self-service check-in for employees from other branches.
    • Issuing RFID cards after authorization by QR code or logging into the organization’s system.
  5. Employee card exchange kiosk:
    • Issuance of a replacement RFID card in case of forgetting the original card.
    • Automatic blocking of a forgotten card and subsequent management of access rights.
  6. Biometric Employee Registration Kiosk:
    • Self-service biometric registration process after logging into the organization’s system.

CZECH KIOSK s.r.o., V Olšinách 2300/75, 100 00 Praha 10,, +420 222 764 624