Pražská energetika – information kiosk

Information kiosk model Profi 22″ for Pražská energetika was delivered in cooperation with the digital agency CZECH MULTIMEDIA INTERACTIVE, which created a unique set of multimedia presentations with visualisations of energy saving principles and many computational interactive applications. Everything is controlled via the touch screen. The app can calculate the return of investment in savings measures and send them via e-mail. Everything is monitored by the control system.

Pražská energetika a.s.

Pražská energetika group (PRE), located in Prague, is the third biggest energy provider in Czech Republic with almost 1400 employees. Each year it delivers their customers about 6.2 TWh of electricity and it has annual turnaround of CZK 16.7 billions (2007).

Goal of PRE Group is to raise satisfaction of its customers, shareholders and employees by providing reliable supply of energy and other services.

CZECH KIOSK s.r.o., V Olšinách 2300/75, 100 00 Praha 10,, +420 222 764 624